Thursday, March 18, 2010

Make a Tiny Calendar

Since long in sharepoint server 2007 sites we might have been using the calendar.. But its too crucial to see the calendar in a gigantic way.. So inorder to display it in a handy way there is a way by using Content Editor Webpart.

Just to add a simple script in it and display the calendar as to the desired size.

Just add a calendar in a web page and under it add a content editor web part.
In the content editor web part add the following code...

<style type="text/css">

/* Tiny Calendar */

/* Remove week blocks */
.ms-cal-weekempty {display:none;}
.ms-cal-week {display:none;}
.ms-cal-weekB {display:none;}
.ms-cal-weekB {display:none;}
/* Shrink cells */
.ms-cal-workitem2B {display:none;}
.ms-cal-noworkitem2B {display:none;}
.ms-cal-nodataBtm2 {display:none;}
.ms-cal-todayitem2B {display:none;}
.ms-cal-workitem {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-muworkitem {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-noworkitem {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-nodataMid {font-size:0px;}
.ms-cal-todayitem {font-size:0px;}
/* thin out header */
.ms-cal-nav {display:none;}
.ms-cal-nav-buttonsltr {display:none;}
.ms-cal-navheader {padding:0px;spacing:0px;}
.ms-calheader IMG {width:15px;}
/* Abbreviate weekdays */
.ms-cal-weekday {letter-spacing:6px; width:22px; overflow: hidden;}

Click the ExitEditmode ... Thats it... We have got it...

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